The Purpose of this Blog
Many people start blogging without having any defined purpose. I would like to actually first create a purpose for this blog, a mission statement if you will, before I begin so I know what direction I should take it in the future. Unfortunately, I have started to blog and then over time I simply lost interest and then gave up. This time things are going to be a bit different.
Since this blog is essentially all about me then it should cover the things that I am interested in. If you happen to be interested in the same activities and hobbies then great, we will get along just great. However, I know since my interests are varied there will be some who come to this blog expecting it to conform to their idea of who I am. Don’t have any expectations.
My interests include but are not limited to the following:
• Lifestyle Design
• Books both technical and non-technical
• Food both cooking it and eating it
• Movies of all genres
• Health and Fitness
• Technology
• Travel
• Science
• Economics and Business
I firmly believe in testing out theories touted by some of the more famous people. So in that regards I will probably be testing out several theories and products in this blog, that way you can determine if they have any merit or not. One such person who seems to write books that deserve to be tested is Tim Ferriss. That author, in case you don’t already know, is known for the “4 Hour” series of books namely the 4 Hour Work Week, The 4 Hour Body, and finally The 4 Hour Chef.
Of course over time I may branch out onto other websites if the need arises. However, for now this website will be a Hodge podge of various subjects. While many may argue that is just pure folly when it comes to on-page SEO, and they may be correct, this is just a personal project.
Any products mentioned or recommended on this website will either be in the testing phase by me or have been tested by me so there will be no false reviews or just a pure desire to get you to buy through my link. Unfortunately there are many people who simply don’t do their own product reviews and instead outsource this to people who really have no clue of the product they are testing.
In regards to blog comments you may leave a comment but if you don’t get published it is because of the following reasons:
• You are not really adding anything of value and are just trying to get a backlink
• You are trying to get a backlink by leaving your url clearly in the name field (that gets always deleted)
• You are threatening me or insulting me in some manner
• You are threatening or insulting another member who left a comment
• You are just trying to be a jerk and be argumentative for the sake of being argumentative
So basically don’t be a jerk and you will see your comment displayed. It is not too difficult but sometimes people think that just because it is the Internet that they can get away with anything. It is sad that I should even have to mention this but I feel it is necessary to get off on the right foot.
Eventually I will have a Rolodex of the people/services I use on a regular basis. While I will most certainly be compensated for providing a link and or referral that should not dissuade you from thinking that there is any bias in my decision to put those services/people there. While other people may find it perfectly reasonable to make money off of services they have never used I abhor that idea and pledge I won’t give my readers that disservice.
Sometimes I get asked to do one on one consulting. At this time I don’t have anything set up to be able to do that on a regular basis. That may eventually change and when that does the service will be announced on this website with either a link to a separate website or a contact form to fill out.
Essentially I think that should cover just about everything. Over time this will of course evolve and change as my viewpoint on subjects and matters change. I am not a static person as my stance on certain matter changes over time as I begin to understand how systems work and how they all interact with each other.