29 Most Useful Websites/Apps for College Students

Recently, I have been busy creating more Kindle books and now a Udemy course. These events have been fun and actually quite challenging at times. Whenever I create something new for people to see and use in their everyday lives I always learn something new.

In order to get more people interested in this subject, I have created a small but very useful min-course by the same name on YouTube. You can find the playlist here:


As well you can find the Kindle book on the Amazon Kindle store. However, you may get more use out of the Udemy course as I will be updating that on a more regular basis.

Should Online Instructors ask their students what courses to make in the future?

There is something I see quite a bit online, and honestly, I am a bit perturbed by it. As an instructor, who will soon have some courses online, I don’t ask my students what I should study next to be able to teach them in the future. I believe as a teacher, or instructor, you should be the thought leader.

Now, in marketplaces such as Udemy and Skillshare, getting a feel for demand for a course is a wise idea. However, as someone who is a thought leader you should be able to anticipate the needs of your students beforehand. I can understand the reasons why some instructors do this as they don’t want to waste their time on creating a course that potentially will have no buyers.

Surveying your students about what they would like to learn next shouldn’t be your primary concern. Surveys’ amount to very little in the real world. Surveys don’t actually translate into sellable courses. What matters, and what should be the ultimate determinate of demand for your courses is how well they sell!

The old expression about “money talks” means quite a lot online.

Besides, if you are a true thought leader, you should be more concerned with creating an online curriculum that enhances every other course you make. By creating a curriculum, or a series of courses that can be tied together, you can in effect create more sales.

Anyways, this is something that has been bugging me for quite a while, and I had to get this off my chest and articulate my argument as best as I could! If you disagree with me, please don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments below!

Why Learn Python?


I am currently working on a course for Udemy, Skillshare, and others on the topic of Python programming language. In that effort, I created a short video on the compelling reasons why someone would want to learn this programming language. As you can imagine the title of this video is Why Learn Python!

Here it is for your enjoyment or criticism.


Of course, this course is going to be basic but thorough in its depth and breath.

Updates are forthcoming to this website!

Hey all,

This website has sadly been neglected for far too long. This is hopefully going to change. As I continue to write and produce content for Udemy, Kindle, and other platforms I am aiming this to be a portal to those particular platforms.

There are various reasons I have neglected this website. However, as I continue to produce content on other platforms this will be the best resource to get updates/deals on any course(s) I offer.

Please stay tuned to this website for any updates because the best deals will obviously originate from this website first!

For instance, my latest YouTube Tutorial series can be found here:



Eventually, I may need to do a complete overhaul of this website as the need may arise. Thank you for reading any of my articles on this website. I appreciate it!